Welcome to my website.
I am a Swedish nature and landscape photographer, and a member of The Swedish Nature Photographers' Association (www.naturfotograferna.se).
I live in the town of Gävle on the east coast of Sweden, some 200 kilometers north of Stockholm.
In my youth I spent summers working as a log driver on the rivers of my native province of Hälsingland. Later, in my professional life, my focus was photography and teaching pedagogy at the University of Gävle.
The decisive moment in my photographic journey was when I saw the mountains of Jämtland as a schoolboy. I was fascinated by the barren landscape and I borrowed my father’s 6x9 cm camera to try to capture it. For many years, the northern landscapes found in Swedish Lapland, Norway, Svalbard, Iceland and The Faroe Islands were my main subjects.
My photographic interests have since widened, and I have learnt to see the magic of motifs just below my feet or just outside my window.

Self-portrait with M.P.P. camera, Gästrikland, Sweden